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Julio Best Setiyawan
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Minggu, 25 Oktober 2015

Top 10 Inkblot Test Cards

The Rorscach test (commonly known as the inkblot test) is used by the psychiatric world to help determine a person’s mental state. It is very common but very controversial. I have managed to obtain copies of all of the inkblots and believe we are the first site to do so – so by reading this list you are part of history in the making! This list will tell you what the therapist is looking for and it should help you to pass as “sane”.
The cards are placed in your hand one by one and always in the sequence shown below. There are ten cards in total. The therapist will not give you any help and will generally start by telling that you can do anything with the cards – for example flip them, or rotate them. As you respond, the therapist will take notes (either using the special shorthand designed for the test, or in long hand). Often they will tape record the session.
You should hold the cards steady and upright – flipping or rotating will be marked against you (though in some cases an examiner may mark you down for not doing so). Your responses should not be overly sexual and you should only name positive images – negative images mark against you. For example, it is better to see two rabbits playing than two vampires fighting. Butterflies, people holding hands, leaves, mountains, etc are all generally considered to be “safe” responses (although nothing is guaranteed when taking the Rorschach). You will also be marked down for taking too long to answer, or not taking long enough to have studied the card properly.
“Nobody agrees how to score Rorschach responses objectively. There is nothing to show what any particular response means to the person who gives it. And, there is nothing to show what it means if a number of people give the same response. The ink blots are scientifically useless.” (Bartol, 1983).
Here then, are the official full color inkblot cards. Use the comments to tell us what you see in each one.
1. Plate I
Possible Sexual Imagery: Breasts, primarily the rounded areas at the top of the image.
2. Plate II
Possible Sexual Imagery: Male sex organ at top center or, in some cases, a vagina (at the center near the bottom).
3. Plate III
Possible Sexual Imagery: Male sex organs and female breasts, right about where you would expect to find them.
4. Plate IV
Possible Sexual Imagery: A pair of male sex organs, typically seen at the top of the image. Some subjects may instead visualize a vagina in the upper center of the blot. This card may also be seen as viewing a person from below or a male figure with an enormous sex organ.
5. Plate V
Possible Sexual Imagery: A pair of male sex organs at the very top of the inkblot. The vast majority of test subjects will see a bat- or bird-like figure. This is by far the most common response.
6. Plate VI
Possible Sexual Imagery: The head of the male sex organ (the portion at the top of the card) or alternately, a female sex organ (middle and bottom part of the card).
7. Plate VII
Possible Sexual Imagery: The female sex organs (seen at the bottom of the card where the figures join.
8. Plate VIII
Possible Sexual Imagery: Female sex organs, usually seen at the bottom of the card.
9. Plate IX
Possible Sexual Imagery: Female sex organs, usually seen at the bottom of the card. Most subjects struggle to see anything in this card.
10. Plate X

Serious response i answered these questions truthfully, whats my mental state (in order 1-10)
1. Demon or a beetle
2. People playing patty cake
3. 2 people picking up blowling balls
4.Snaping turtle
5.a bat
6. Typhoon fighter jet
7.2 indians boxing
8. Lizards climbing a rock face
9.X ray of a pelvis
10. Crabs and sea horses.
1.A pair of young elephants, who've managed to get themselves into quite the predicament as they swing from a chandelier.
2.Two men, both wearing red turbans and red breeches with tattered brown overcoats and dark gloves. They sit knee to knee and lean towards each other, their palms pressed together as they confer over some secret plot.
3.Two butlers having an argument over who must clean out the chamber pot that is held between them.
4.A monstrous creature anteater with webbed back feet and a spiked, plated tail.
5.A moth that has fluttered into a radioactive zone for so long that its wings have become misshapen and useless.
6.A dragonfly buzzing desperately though its tail is caught in the mouth of a horny toad.
7.An overhanging cliff above a raging river.
8.Two bears climbing a mountain where an ice dragon awaits for the fight that will surely occur.
9.Two blue dragons glare at each other, their faces pressed close and their golden horns nearly clashing. Smoke rises from their nostrils and red flames dribble from their maws.
10.Two soldiers dressed in red uniforms and wearing helms of silver stand side by side, bowing in salute to one another as their hands stray to their swords. Just beyond their giant, crab like foes raise their pincers to the sky in preparation for battle.
1. person holding hands up coming out of clouds.
2. two people clapping the top red has their faces.
3. two people letting a butterfly going from a basket.
4. death from Disk world series.
5. a bat.
6. a big jumping spider.
7. two female faces.
8. a tiger walking across a pound that is reflecting it.
9. two chines dragons.
10. two people dancing with fireworks going off.
1. Fox head from the front.
2. Elephants touching their trunks.
3. 2 people possibly watering plants.
4. 2 boots propped up against each other.
5. Fly.
6. An entrance to a church. Cross on top.
7. 2 thumbs up.
8. Back of someones upper torso.
9. Upside down sunset.
10. All I see is Eiffel Tower on top.

Doing a Bac in Criminology minor in Psych and do take perception seriously. And SERIOUSLY what is with all the sexual interpretations of the inkblots!
Card #1 - the profiles of 2 angels carrying a trophy.
#2 - The profiles of 2 elephants dancing (I don't know what the red is)
#3 - The profiles of 2 women facing each other with a large cock pot between them.
#4 - A dragon flying towards and downwards to the viewer's feet.
#5 - A large moth or butterfly flying away from the viewer (so head at the top)
#6 - A sting ray
#7 - A stone sculpture of the profiles of 2 girls dancing playfully with their ponytails flying up in the air.
#8 - pink lizards climbing up a wall of geodes.
#9 - orange dragons on top of blue Quebec map on top of a pink cloud. (I am a Quebecer and well aware that it is not a perfect map of Quebec)
#10 - Grey eiffel tower at the top, pink sea horses, blue fireworks the rest of it is just smudges.

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