Julio Best Setiyawan

Julio Best Setiyawan
Rider !!

Kamis, 19 November 2015

Pengertian Direct Indirect/ Reported Speech (Kalimat langsung dan kalimat tidak langsung)

Pengertian Direct Indirect/ Reported Speech (Kalimat langsung dan kalimat tidak langsung)

Direct Indirect (Reported Speech)-Direct Speech adalah kalimat yang diucapkan secara langsung oleh pembicara dan jika ditulis kalimat tersebut akan diberi tanda kutip. sedangkan Indirect Speech adalah kalimat yang kita laporkan kepada orang lain secara tidak langsung dan tanpa diberi koma.

             D  : She says, “I am a student”                      
ID : She says that she is a student.
b.      D  : Ina has said to him, “I miss you”
ID : Ina has said to him that she misses him.

Untuk melaporkan kembali ucapan-ucapan yang disampaikan oleh si pembaca. 
Aturan-aturan merubah kalimat langsung ke kalimat tidak langsung;
1. Jika induk kalimat langsung berbentuk (S. Present, Present Perfect, S. future) maka kalimat tak langsung, tenses-nya tidak berubah (tetap).
2. Jika induk kalimat langsung berbentuk (past) maka kalimat tak langsung akan berubah tenses-nya, baik keterangan waktu/ tempat.

  1. S. Present                              → S. Past
  2. Present Continuous                → Past Continuous Tense
  3. Present Perfect                      → Past Perfect                                 →Past Perfect Cont
  4. Present Perfect Continuous    → Past Perfect Continuous               →Tetap
  5. S. Future                               → Past Future
  6. Future Continuous                 → Past Future Continuous                →Past F Perfect C
  7. Future Perfect                       → Past Future Perfect                       →Tetap
  8. Future Perfect Continuous     → Past Future Perfect Continuous     →Tetap
1.      Will/ Shall           →Would/ Should
2.      Can                    →Could
3.      May                   →Might
4.      Must                   →Had to
5.      Have to/ Has to  →Had to
6.      Could                →Could have
7.      Might                 →Might have

1.      Now                 →Then
2.      Yesterday         →The day before
3.      Last week         →The week before
4.      Two days ago   →Two days before
5.      Today               →That day
6.      Tommorrow      →The following day/ next day
7.      Next month       →The following month
8.      Here                 →There
9.      This                  →That
1.     These                →Those

1. Sekarang → Lalu/ kemudian
2. Kemarin → Sehari sebelum
3. Pekan lalu → Seminggu sebelum
4. Dua hari yang lalu → Dua hari sebelum
5. Hari ini → Hari itu
6. Besok → Hari berikutnya / hari berikutnya
7. Bulan depan → Bulan berikutnya
8. Disini → Disana
9.  ini (tunggal) →Itu (tunggal)
10. Ini (jamak) → Itu (jamak)

DIRECT INDIRECT dibagi menjadi 3 macam :
1.      Statement  (Pernyataan)
2.      Question    (Pertanyaan)
3.      Command  (Perintah)

1. Statement : kata penghubungnya (conjuntion) “THAT’’
a.       D  : She says, “I am a student”
ID : She says that she is a student.
b.      D  : Ina has said to him, “I miss you”
ID : Ina has said to him that she misses him.

2. Question
*) Introgative →Conjuntion ‘If or Wheter’
a.       D   : Ani asks him, “Do you know my dictionary ?’’
ID  : Ani asks him if he knows her dictionary
b.      D   : He asked me, “Can you help me to carry my bag ?”
ID  : He asked me if I could help him to carry his bag.

*) Question Word →Conjuntion “Question word’’ itu sendiri
a.       D  : Rina asks her mother, “Where is my hat ?’’
ID : Rina asks her mother where her hat is.
b.      D  : The boy asked her, “How many cards will we buy for our friends ?”
ID : The boy asked her if how many cards they would buy for their friends.

3.Command (perintah)
*) Negative Command “not to’’
*) Positive Command   “to’’
a.       D  : He said to her, “Don’t come late !’’
ID : He suggested her not to come late.
b.      D  : She asks me, “Please mail my letter !”
ID : She asks me to mail her letter.
c.       D  : They asked him, “Don’t be lazzy to face your future !”
ID : They asked him not to be lazzy to face his future.
d.      D  : Father asked us, “Do what I do !”
ID : Father asked us to do what he did.

D : Direct/ Langsung
ID: Indirect/ Tidak langsung

1) "Is John at home?" .
2) "Am I late?" .
3) "Is it cold outside?" .
4) "Are they in Paris?" .
5) "Is the bus stop near the shopping centre?" .
6) "Is the milk fresh?" .
7) "Are you a doctor?" .
8) "Are James and Lucy from France?" .
9) "Is my brother in the garden?" .
10) "Is the weather good in Shanghai in the summer?" .
11) "Does Julie drink tea?" .
12) "Do you like chocolate?" .
13) "Do they own a flat?" .
14) "Does David go to the cinema often?" .
15) "Do the children study Chinese?" .
16) "Do they go on holiday every summer?" .
17) "Does your sister live in Stockholm?" .
18) "Do I talk too much?" .
19) "Does Jennifer want a new job?" .
20) "Does it rain a lot in London?" .

1) "Where is the post office?" .
2) "Why is Julie sad?" .
3) "What's for dinner?" .
4) "Who is the woman in the red dress?" .
5) "How is your grandmother?" .
6) "When is the party?" .
7) "How much is the rent on your flat?" .
8) "Where are the glasses?" .
9) "How is the weather in Chicago?" .
10) "Who is the Prime Minister of Canada?" .
11) "Where do you usually go swimming?" .
12) "What does Luke do at the weekend?" .
13) "Where do your parents live?" .
14) "Who do you go running with?" .
15) "When does Lucy get up?" .
16) "How much TV do you watch?" .
17) "How many books do they own?" .
18) "Where does John work?" .
19) "What do the children study on Fridays?" .
20) "Why do you study English?" .

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