Julio Best Setiyawan

Julio Best Setiyawan
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Kamis, 29 Oktober 2015

Organization Chart, Job Description of department in Hotel

Organization Chart, Job Description of department in Hotel

House Keeping

Meaning and function of the Housekeeping
In English housekeeping has meaninghouse means the house / building / house / places to stay / hotelswhile keeping is to keep / treat / manage / maintainHousekeeping is also calledhousekeeping, which means keeping procedures / treat / manage/ maintain, while the maid is a building / house / guest house /hotel

 Definition of housekeeping 
   is part of the department responsible for arranging or setting up equipment, maintain the cleanliness and comfort, repair damage and provide decoration in order for the house (hotel) It looked neatcleanattractive and enjoyable for the residents.Housekeeping functions in the operations of a hotel is essential.Housekeeping department is not only responsible for preparingand cleaning the room (guestroom) at the time of arrival of guestsbut cleancare for and maintain the overall area of ​​thehotel so it looks neat and fresh to start a businessIn hoteloperationscleaning activities carried out and implemented andthe responsibility of the housekeeping departmentwhose activities led

by the Housekeeping Manager or Executive housekeeper.  
 In the hotel housekeeping department organization usually has responsibility very wide area and has a number of staff
more than other departmentsTherefore, to carry out cleaningin all areas of the hotelits implementation is set according tothe following sections:

Public Area, the section which has the task and responsibility tomaintain cleanliness, neatness, beauty and comfort of all areas of the hotel, both of which are outside the building or buildingswithin the hotel include the Lobby area, restroom, restaurant,meeting rooms and facilities for hotel employees. room, the section which has the responsibility to prepare and maintaincleanliness, neatness and completeness of the guest rooms

Laundry, who have a responsibility to provide a clean linen-linen for keperluaan rooms, restaurant and meeting rooms,providing clean uniforms for employees and guests clean up the dirty clothes.

Linen and Uniform,  is responsible for managing the circulationand provision of linen and uniform for all employees.

Florist,  is responsible for providing and arranging fresh flowersto beautify the decor in the hotel.

Gardener, Section which is responsible for maintaining the plants both within and outside the hotel.

The scope of duties and responsibilities
Part be responsible for housekeeping, neatness, regularity, completeness, cleanliness, and comfort all the rooms in the hotelor area:
Responsibilities include the housekeeping area:

  • The living room (guest room)

  • corridor

  • Restaurant and banquet

  • office

  • Guest toilet

  • toilet employees

  • Locker employees

  • Parks in and outside the room

  • swimming pool

  • parking lot

Deparment Housekeeping tasks are as follows:

  • Create an atmosphere of the hotel is clean, attractive,comfortable, and safe.

  • Providing services in the room with the best to theguests, so that guests feel satisfied when visiting orstaying at the hotel.

  • Preparation, arrangement, and maintenance rooms.

  • Responsible for maintaining cleanliness of all outletsand the common room at the hotel.

  • Reported lost and found and brought to thesupervisor

  • Hotel uniforms, shoes and socks are determined. 

Houseman section
Houseman section is the section responsible for the overallcleanliness and maintenance of the hotel environment.
The division of tasks in this section are as follows:

1.group work early (morning shift)

Most cleanup work performed in the morning until noonhari.jumlah Houseman who do the cleaning in the morning tillnoon more done than the night.

  2.Group work afternoon (evening shift)
Maintenance of cleanliness every day carried out continuouslyin order to create an atmosphere of clean, neat, andhygiennes.pemeliharaan cleanliness in the afternoon working group was held on evening shift

The task of the evening shift are as follows:

a. maintain and continue the routine tasks in the morning.
b. Clean and tidy up the entire office management after quitting time.
c. Hygiene control lobby, ashtrays, and the trash.

Food and Beverage

When viewed from above that the organizational structure of this section, led by the Food & BeverageDirector, The Help by Chef de Cuisine and Food &Beverage Assistant Manager and staff to achieve the goals set by the hotel. The following is a description of duties and responsibilities of each position of the food and beverage section.

1. Food & Beverage Director
Description of duties and responsibilities:

1. Setting the menu, presentation systems, sales strategy, directing the implementation and assess the success2. Conduct analysis of competitors
3. FB Production budget kitchen, F & B service andStewarding
4. Formulate operational cost control policy
5. Addressing problems that require immediatetreatment
6. Creating harmonious relationships with colleaguesand customers
7. Held a briefing at the department
8. Propose to the boss, about the adjustmentprocedures and policies in an environment of food &beverage department if necessary

2. Assistant Food & Beverage Manager

Description of duties and responsibilities:

1. To coordinate the implementation of activities between kitchen, F & B service and stewarding
2. Work plan and assess 
its implementation
 3. Oversees the operational schedule of subordinates
4. Monitoring the results of physical inventory in thekitchen, F & B service and stewarding
5. Monitor the implementation of store roomrequisition
6. Performance assessment work of subordinates
7. Implement the smooth operation of the variousactivities of the existing working relationship with thefood & beverage department
8. Coordinate and oversee the smooth preparation ofthe event event / function
9. Addressing problems that require immediatetreatment and report to superiors
10. Relationships with colleagues and guests
11. Creating harmonious relationships withcolleagues and customers
12. Provides direction and guidance to subordinates.

3. Restaurant & Bar Manager 
Description of duties and responsibilities:

1. Coordinate operations at the outlets of food &beverage service
2. Coordinate the preparation and overseeing the smooth implementation of the function / event
3. Assist the smooth implementation of the physicalinventory
4. Establish and build relationships with guests
5. Helping to create a monthly report report F & Bsales
6. Performance assessment work of subordinates
7. And hold a problem that requires immediatetreatment and report to superiors
8. Handling and monitoring some changes and irregularities in the operations
9. Monitor and supervise personal hygienegroomingand sanitation
10. Handle and supervise direct service VIP guests
11. Creating and fostering a healthy workingatmosphere
12. Conducting daily briefings 

4. Head Waiter
Job descriptions and 
1. Supervise the use of par stock irregularities
2. Checking completeness and accuracy of the "miseen place"
3. Examining the accuracy of daily sales reports
4. Directing and overseeing the smooth service in a restaurant
5. Dealing with guest complaints
6. Regulate the division of "station"
7. Checking the personnel hygienegrooming andsanitation
8. Accompanying sous chef in a buffet arrangement
9. Deal directly with guest services VIP (Very Important Person)
10. Coordinate and oversee the implementation ofclear up
11. Assist the smooth conduct of physical inventory
12. Check the completenessaccuracy procurement"store room requisition"
13. Good relations with guests
14. Make the schedule work of subordinates
15. Supervise subordinate discipline
16. Handle guest issues
17. Assessing the work of subordinates
18. Creating and fostering a healthy working atmosphere.

5. Assistant (Head Waiter Captain)

Description of duties and responsibilities:

Assist head waiter duties   
2. Completing the completeness, accuracy of the mise en place                                   3. Making daily sales reports                                                                                                    4.Complementing the storage and use of par stock                                                          5. Supervise and assist the smooth implementation of the accuracy of the sales service and presentation of food and beverages                                                                            6. Make the repair and maintanance order                                                                                    7. Deal directly with VIP guest services                                                                                           8. Overcoming guest complaints                                                                                                    9. Supervise and direct subordinate smooth service                                                                  10. Assist the smooth implementation of the physical inventory                                         11. Good relations with guests                                                                                                            12. Creating and fostering a healthy working atmosphere 

6. Waiter / Waitress 

Description of duties and responsibilities:

1. Preparing the technical completeness of service                                                                       2. Carry out preparatory set-up mise en place                                                                          3. Perform direct services to guests                                                                                             4. Taking orders / orders from the captain guests to be forwarded to the kitchen 5.Implement the presentation of dishes to the guests                                                        6. Implement clear up from the coffee table                                                                               7.Prepare and take the needs of linen napkin, wares, supplies                                           8. Collecting and transporting soiled linen and dirty dishes to the laundry / stewarding                                                                                                                                                  9. Do preparation of tables set up and clear up                                                                          10. Implement and follow the captain orders in carrying out his duties                           11. Do cleaning work area                                                                                                             12. A relationship with guests                                                                                                               13. Attend daily briefing

7. Chief Bartender

Description of duties and responsibilities:

1. Supervise the storage, use of bar stock
 2. Completing the completeness, accuracy of the mise en place
 3. Making daily sales reports 
4. Overseeing the smooth, precise execution of mixing drinks, presentation, sales and service 385
 5. Develop a standard portion, standard receipts, standard beverage cost along with the F & B cost control
 6. Directing, overseeing the smooth service 
7. Overcoming guest complaints 
8. Regulate the division of "station" and oversee its implementation                                   9. Checking the personnel hygiene, grooming and sanitation                                            10. Deal directly with VIP guest services                                                                                    11. Assist the smooth implementation of the physical inventory                                       12. Check the completeness, accuracy procurement "store room requisition"               13. Make the repair and maintanace order                                                                               14. Supervise subordinate discipline                                                                                           15. Handle guest issues                                                                                                                     16. Assessing the work of subordinates                                                                                     17. Creating and fostering a healthy working atmosphere 

8. Room Service Order Taker 
Description of duties and responsibilities:

1. Handles receipt, recording and delivering room service to order room service captain                                                                                                                                              2.Advise and assist guests in selecting the menu                                                                    3. Maintaining a healthy work atmosphere                                                                             4.Attend briefings head waiter

Human Resources Development Department
Human Resources Development Department

One of the important departments of the hotel is the management of human resources. Human resource management that can either differentiate the difference between running a hotel with a good,satisfactory and poor. Human resources manager can control almost the entire operation will functionthroughout the hotel. This makes the importance ofhuman resource management in the hotel is veryclear.
The department also serves to manage the existing human resources and work closely with alldepartments and represent the company in negotiations / counseling with employees in terms ofkekaryawanan affairs, employment, discipline,grievance, or company policy on welfare programs.
In its development, Human Resources Developmentis expected to maintain levels of staffing and payrollsystem effective, helping each piece to maximizeproductivity and control of payroll costs.
Connect and communicate with local governments,private companies, educational institutions aboutemployment, insurance, health care and aboutexercising power or apprenticeship training school.

1. Human Resource Management / Human Resource Management:
 Personnel / staffing:
Administration, business plans, conflict of interest,disiplinary procedures, employee appearance, employee certificate, report, human resources, laborrelations, leave of absence, medical examination,clinic, name tags, offices, out employment,performance appraisals, personal records,technology, transportation, uniforms, use of guestfacilities, insurance, salary, bonus, benefits, employee dining room, Praying room.

Recruitment, selection interviews, casual employee,contract employee, job description, organizationchart, outside contracts, outsourcing, promotion,demotion, transfer, couching, counseling.

2. Recruitment / Selection, Placement
There are several different areas where human resource management is essential. One is rekutmennew employees. The employees who were hired at the hotel can really change the quality of service and atmosphere throughout the hotel. This means that it is very important to choose the staff is optimistic,dedicated workers for every position. It is the job ofhuman resource managers who ensure that the goodpeople chosen to work at the hotel.

   1. HRD (Human Resources of Development) Manager 
HRD (Human Resources of Development) Managerhas the functions and scope of work are:
a. Responsible for the management and development of Human Resources in the hotel environment, namely in terms of planning, implementation and supervision of human resources activities, including development of quality based on the policies and procedures applicable in the company.

b. Responsible for matters relating to the activities of government & industrial building and have an obligation to maintain and keep the company image. 

While the job description of the HRD (Human Resources of Development) Manager are as follows: 
a. Prepare, plan, monitor and evaluate the budgetary costs of effectively and efficiently and be responsible for any expenses the result of activities

b. Responsible for planning, monitoring and evaluation of the amount of labor needed by the company.
c. Carry out the selection, promotion, transfering, demotion of employees as deemed necessary.
d. Carry out development activities, training and other activities related to mental development, skills and knowledge of employees sesuain with company standards.
e. Responsible for activities associated with employee absences recapitulation, the calculation of salaries, allowances and bonuses.  

     2. HRD (Human Resources of Development)Administrator  
Main Tasks and Responsibilities:

a. Responsible in helping HRD (Human ResourcesDevelopment Of) Manager in the areas of administration, the smooth implementation ofcompany rules, run the program and procedures inthe rules and regulations as well as overseeing timekeeping.
b. Preparing payroll in preparation for the current month, between December 16-20 every month.
c. Between the date of 21-25 each month submit to theAccounting department funds for payment of salarymonth.
d. Applying for funding for reimbursement of outpatient drug every 2 times a week (Wednesday andSaturday), which has been delivered to employees'prescription medication from a doctor.
e. Prepared a report for tax payments entertainmentsection 21 including tax.
f. Creating a summary report every month to feedemployees reported to the accounting department.
g. Creating a summary report evaluating the implementation of training and implementation to be sent to the directors.
h. Creating a summary report of mutations,promotions and employee status (additional child,got married, quit).
i. Pension fund contributions make reports / Astekevery month.
   3. HRD (Human Resources of DevelopmentClerk
Description of duties:

a. Conducting the process of taking annual leave andprepare reports.

b. Conducting the process of making "Day OffPayment," exchange "Day Off" and the exchange rateshift employees.
c. Perform calculations "meal coupon" employee.

d. Check and record the employee sick leave.

e. Help HRD (Human Resources of Development)Administrator in archiving and making the letters.
Accounting Department

Accounting Department which serves to make a record of all transactions that occur on a regular basis, so that each end of the month, year-end statements can provide information about the financial position relating to hotel assets, debts and capital as well as perihitungan profit and loss.Hotel Accounting
The phrase "money makes the world go round" is true for accountants hotel.                                 Is to track every financial transaction in the hotel to ensure that all monies in and out accurately recorded and handled. If there is a difference, should be investigated and corrected or make a statement of reasons why it happened, whether intentionally or not (error or fraud)In this system also will handle the calculation of wages, salaries and payments in the hotel, except if it works for a large hotel group, in this case may be based at head office with responsibility for a particular property.                                                                                                                                       Key responsibilities :                                                                                                                    • Control of payroll                                                                                                                             • Produce an accurate set of accounts end of the month, with comparison to forecasts and prior period                                                                                                           • Prepare profit and loss account and balance sheet for management                                 • Assist in budget preparation and business planning including the projected room revenue                                                                                                                                           • Reconcile bank statements                                                                                                                 • The law applicable / about VATChasing late payments, bad credit reporting and monitoring carefully on cash flow. Hotel accounting procedures to help a company in the hospitality industry to prepare accurate financial statements in accordance with the rules and principles of accounting. These regulations include generally accepted accounting principles, financial reporting standards and government regulations applicable in Indonesia. Also associated with the Head Office (if the hotel group), Local Taxes and Public Accounting Company.

When viewed from the Department of Accounting functions can be separated into several things:             

 1. Receive cash payments are handled by the General Cashier (Cashier General) to paid to the Bank (Bank In).

2. Cash expenditures to carry out a relatively small payments, check payments to pebayaran big ones and handled by the General Cashier.

3. Record the purchase of goods that are not paid in cash as well as costs - costs incurred and handled by the Accounts Payable (Debt Section).

4. Accounts Receivable (Receivables Section) is responsible to record piutag and are responsible for all billing and receivables aging.

5. Night Audit Process is intended to check and ensure all sales and receipts of payment in the Front Office, restaurants and in other outlets and close all transactions on that day. In this process, the system will accumulate all the data and print reports.

6. Recorded revenue / sales of the hotel conducted by Income Auditor. Ensure the correctness of the calculation of night audit and allocate revenue according to the general ledger. Ensure completeness of documentation in accordance with operational procedures hotel. Accumulate and analyze sales income every day.

7. Calculating the costs incurred and carried out by the Cost Control, both for Food Beverage ingredients, materials and operational assets or fixed assets.

8. Buying goods are carried by the hotel supply purchasing (the purchase).

9. Receiving the items purchased and received by Receiving (part receipt of goods) and store in the 

10. Prepare financial statements performed by Bookkeeper (arrangement of the book).

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