Julio Best Setiyawan

Julio Best Setiyawan
Rider !!

Sabtu, 12 Desember 2015

Labour Standards Audit

Our labour standards audits take into account the complexities involved in the varied aspects on how employees are treated in regards to wages, working hours and work conditions. These audits help ascertain as to how a business treats its employees and the environment and ensures that a business meets minimum stipulated labour standards.

Our auditors will meet with facility management and explain the purpose of the visit, collect necessary documentation and conduct an extensive tour of the facility to ensure that all health and safety precautions are adhered to.

Onsite interviews with employees are conducted to determine that they are treated fairly. Wage and attendance records are inspected thoroughly to ensure that no violations have occurred in relation to payment of minimum wages, work hours and that the hiring process is in line with the labour laws of the country.

Any labour standards violations or shortfalls are followed up with suitable corrective action before facility approval takes place.

IPS Lanka labor standards audit programs are based on the following code of conduct elements:
  • Compliance with the law of the land
  • Meeting at least minimum wages and benefits
  • Ensuring that maximum working hours are not exceeded
  • Zero tolerance for forced labour
  • Zero tolerance for child labour
  • At least minimum health and safety standards are met
  • Non-discrimination of workforce.
  • No corporal punishment has taken place
  • Freedom of association amongst employees is visible and present
  • That the facility operates in an anti‐corruption / anti‐bribery environment
  • That facility sub-contractors (if any) meet all above stipulated conditions

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