Julio Best Setiyawan

Julio Best Setiyawan
Rider !!

Selasa, 24 November 2015

Apparel manufacturing:

Apparel manufacturing: 
Yarn Dyeing: 
Yarn dyeing is a special type of dyeing process. This dyeing process is slightly difference from woven or knit dyeing. Dyed yarns are used for making stripe knit or woven fabrics or solid dyed yarn fabric or in sweater manufacturing. Yarn can dye in two form, package or hank form. Flowchart of yarn dyeing can be divided into three stages. Preparatory process, Dyeing and After-treatment process.
Yarn dyeing in package form
Yarn dyeing in package form
Flow Chart of Yarn Dyeing

Preparatory process 

Soft winding 

Batch loaded 

Demineralization (50˚C, 20 min; PH=4.5) 

Scouring & bleaching (100˚C×40 min.) 




Neutralization with acid (50°C ×20 min) 

Hot Wash with peroxide killer (60˚C,20 min.) 



Leveling agent & Salt (60° × 20 min; PH=6) 

Color dosing (60°C×20 min.) 

Run time = 10 min. (60°C) 

Color migration (80°C × 20 min.) 

Cooling (60°C) 

Level Check 

Soda dosing (60°C×30 min.) 

Dyeing run (Dark-60°C×60 min;Medium-60°C×40 min;Light-60°C× 
30 min) 

Dyeing sample check 

(If Ok) 



Rinse (with cold Water) 

Neutralization after dyeing (50°C×20 min.) 


Soaping (Hot wash) 



Add finishing chemical(60°C×20 min) 


Quality is a relative term. It means customer needs is to be satisfied. Quality is of prime importance in any aspect of business specially of export oriented products. Customers demand and expect value for money. As producers of apparel there must be a constant endeavor to produce work of good quality. Process flow chart of quality section of garment is given below.

Quality section in garment industry
Quality section in garment industry
Working Sequence of Quality Section:

Sample comments follow-up measurement 
Pattern grading 
Pattern through to cutting section 
Fabric inspection (GSM, color shade etc) 
Fabric Ok 
Lay check 
Print check 
Line check 
Sewing output check 
After remove if have 
Finishing (ironing) 
Main check ( size measurement) 
Size wise measurement 
Get up checking 
4 point measurement 
Hand tag follows up

Garments Quality Control: 
Quality is a relative term. It means customer needs is to be satisfied. Quality is of prime importance in any aspect of business. In the competitive world no alternative of quality. Worlds trend is now quality not quantity. In the apparel business severely maintain quality of products. In this case, buyers satisfaction is the primary and basic goal. For maintaining quality of garments, quality is strictly control in garments industry. In this article, I will give a flowchart of garments quality control.
Quality Control System in Garments Industry
Flow Chart of Quality Control System in Garments Industry:

Check the batch information compare with the fabrics information’s. 
Match the shade with the bulk production fabrics. 
Check the running shade among the roll or roll to roll.( as per guide line). 
Check the GSM, DIA and hand feel.(as guide line). 
Check the shrinkage (as guide line). 
Check the any marks like sinker, needle, DIA, crease mark etc. 
Check other faults. 
Make report, Discussed with the respective persons to take actions. 
Make grading as guide line. 
Delivery the okay goods to the Stores. 
Reject goods send to MIS store. 
Follow up.

There are three types of fabric manufacturing process. They are weaving, knitting and non-weaving. Knitted fabric produced by loop forming. Such type of fabric huge demand in present world. For manufacturing of knitted fabric, process flow chart of knitting technology are given below.
Circular Knitting
Process Flow Chart for Knitting

Yarn in package form 
Place the yarn package in the creel 
Feeding the yarn 
Set the m/c as per design & GSM 
Withdraw the roll fabric and weighting 
Roll marking 


Unload Garment is a basic need of human being. It's manufacturing process is complicated. Garment/Apparel manufacturing processing depends on some steps and techniques. It starts from order receiving and will be end to dispatching shipment of the finished garments. A process flow chart helps to understand how raw materials are moved from one process to another process until raw materials are transformed into the desired product (garments).
Garments manufacturing
Process Flow Chart of Garment Manufacturing 

Basic block 
Working pattern 
Sample making 
Basic manufacturing difference 
Approved sample 
Production pattern 
Marker making 
Fabric spreading 
Sorting or bundling 
Ironing and finishing 
Final inspection 
Send to buyer

In details apparel manufacturing sequence are given below:


01. Design/sketch
It is given by buyers to manufacturers containing sketches including measurements of the style

02. Basic block
Without any allowance

03. Working pattern
Assimilating of diagram of net dimension on paper each and individual part which is called pattern and when we move with it throughout the  whole manufacturing processes. We term it working pattern.

04. Sample making
After getting all the speech the sample is made and sent to the buyers for approval to rectify the faults.

05. Basic manufacturing difference
The critical path is identified i.e the problem during the several operations.

06. Approved sample
After rectify the faults, sample is again sent to buyers. If it is ok, than it is called approved sample.

O7. Costing
  • Fabric required
  • Making charge
  • Trimmings
  • Profits

08. Production pattern
Add allowance with net dimension.

09. Grading
It is done according to different size.

10. Marker making
Maker is a thin paper which contains all the components of all sizes of a particular style.

11. Fabric spreading
Fabric is spreaded in lay form.

12. Cutting
To cut fabric according to the dimension by special types of cutter.

13. Sorting or bundling
Sorting out the component according to size and for each size make individual bundle.

14. Sewing
Sewing is done by different types of machines by the operation. Quality inspection is also done in that time

15. Ironing and finishing
Garments are treated by  steam. Also several finishing processes are done for example extra loose thread cutting.

16. Final inspection
Should meet specs given by buyer.

17. Packing
Poly packing.

18. Cartooning
After packing the garments are placed in a hard paper box .for export so as to minimize damage. The cartoons contain all the information over the box according to buyer specs.

19. Send to buyer
If everything is ok, it is sent to the buyer.

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